Scab Creek Trail


Air Quality Alert issued September 30 at 10:52AM MDT by NWS Riverton WYThe following message is transmitted on behalf of the WyomingDepartment of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division, and theWyoming Department of Health.* WHAT...Air Quality Alert for Wildfire Smoke.* WHERE...West-central into central Wyoming, and from north-centralinto east-central Wyoming.* WHEN...From 11 AM Monday September 30 to 1 PM Tuesday October 1.* IMPACTS...Smoke from the Pack Trail Fire on Togwotee Pass continuesto be observed across much of west-central into central Wyoming.Additionally, smoke from the Elk Fire in the northern BighornMountains continues to be observed across much of north-centralinto central Wyoming as well. The smoke is limiting visibilitiesat times.HEALTH INFORMATION...The Wyoming Department of Health recommendsthat the elderly, young children, and individuals with respiratoryproblems avoid excessive physical exertion and minimize outdooractivities during this time. Wildfire smoke is made up of a varietyof pollutants, including particulate matter and ozone, which cancause respiratory health effects. Although these people are mostsusceptible to health impacts, the Department of Health also advisesthat everyone should avoid prolonged exposure to poor air qualityconditions.CURRENT CONDITIONS...The Wyoming Department of EnvironmentalQuality, Air Quality Division offers near real-time air quality datafor Wyoming's monitoring stations and health effects information tohelp the public interpret current conditions. Current air qualityconditions across the state of Wyoming can be found at

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