Squantum Woods State Park


Red Flag Warning issued November 12 at 5:21PM EST until November 13 at 6:00PM EST by NWS Boston/Norton MA* AFFECTED AREA...In Connecticut, Hartford, Tolland and Windham.In Massachusetts, Western Franklin, Eastern Franklin, NorthernWorcester, Central Middlesex, Western Essex, Eastern Essex,Western Hampshire, Western Hampden, Eastern Hampshire, EasternHampden, Southern Worcester, Western Norfolk, SoutheastMiddlesex, Suffolk, Eastern Norfolk, Northern Bristol, WesternPlymouth, Eastern Plymouth, Southern Bristol, SouthernPlymouth, Barnstable, Dukes, Nantucket and Northern Middlesex.In Rhode Island, Northwest Providence, Southeast Providence,Western Kent, Eastern Kent, Bristol, Washington, Newport andBlock Island.* TIMING...Until 6 PM EST Wednesday.* WINDS...North 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35 mph.* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 20 percent Wednesday afternoon inRhode Island, interior Connecticut and Massachusetts, and around30 to 40 percent Wednesday afternoon for Block Island, Cape Codand the Islands.* TEMPERATURES...Highs in the mid to upper 40s Wednesday.* IMPACTS...Any fire that develops will catch and spreadquickly. Outdoor burning is not recommended.A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditionsare either occurring now, .or will shortly. Any fires that startmay spread rapidly and become difficult to extinguish.

National Weather Service

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