

Flood Watch issued September 19 at 12:51PM PDT until September 20 at 5:00AM PDT by NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard CA* WHAT...Flash flooding and debris flows caused by excessiverainfall are possible in and around the Lake burn scar.* WHERE...A portion of southwest California, including the followingareas, Santa Barbara County Interior Mountains and Santa YnezValley.* WHEN...Through late tonight.* IMPACTS...Heavy rainfall over the Lake burn scar is expected up toand during the period of the watch. Residents near the burn scarshould prepare for potential flooding impacts. Be sure to stay upto date with information from local authorities. Excessive runoffmay result in flooding of rivers, creeks, streams, and otherlow-lying and flood-prone locations. Creeks and streams may riseout of their banks. Flooding may occur in poor drainage and urbanareas. Low-water crossings may be flooded. Storm drains andditches may become clogged with debris. Extensive street floodingand flooding of creeks and rivers are possible. Area creeks andstreams are running high and could flood with more heavy rain.* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...- National Weather Service Meteorologists are forecasting heavyrainfall over the burn scar, which may lead to flash floodingand debris flows.- Flash Flood Watch means that conditions may develop that lead toflash flooding. Flash flooding is a VERY DANGEROUS SITUATION.Local emergency services are monitoring the situation and will issuea public statement as conditions warrant. PLAN NOW so you will knowwhat to do in an emergency. Keep informed by listening to localradio and television for statements and possible warnings. Followthe advice of public safety officials.

National Weather Service

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-36,8 °C


-22,5 °C


-22,1 °C
