Nora Trail


Excessive Heat Warning issued July 3 at 12:26PM PDT until July 10 at 11:00PM PDT by NWS San Francisco CA* WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions with temperatures in theupper 90's to 115F expected. Limited overnight relief with lowtemperatures in the mid 60s to low 80s. Resultant widespreadMajor HeatRisk, with areas of Extreme HeatRisk.* WHERE...Marin Coastal Range, Sonoma Coastal Range, North BayInterior Mountains, North Bay Interior Valleys, East BayInterior Valleys, Santa Cruz Mountains, Santa Clara Valley,Eastern Santa Clara Hills, East Bay Hills, Southern SalinasValley, Santa Lucia Mountains and Los Padres National Forest,and Mountains of San Benito and Interior Monterey.* WHEN...Until 11 PM PDT Wednesday.* IMPACTS...Most individuals will be at risk for heat-relatedillnesses without effective cooling or adequate hydration,especially with prolonged outdoor exposure. Without effectivecooling and/or adequate hydration, heat-related illnessesincluding heat stroke will be a risk to everyone. Overnightlows will warm as well leading to poor relief from the heatspecifically in elevated terrain and interior areas.* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...An exceptionally dangerous situation isexpected to unfold during this potentially historic and deadlyheat event. Several days of temperatures well above normalwill lead to compounding effects among people andinfrastructure, with the possibility of numerous heat relatedfatalities. It cannot be stressed enough that while one day atthese temperatures may be manageable for some, an event ofthis scale, magnitude, and longevity will likely rivalanything we've seen in the last 18 years. Heat is the numberone weather related killer in the United States. By thisweekend, it is VERY LIKELY that we add to that statistic ifpreparations are not taken seriously.Drink plenty of fluids, stay cool, stay out of the sun, and checkup on relatives and neighbors.Beat the heat and check the backseat! Do not leave young childrenand pets in unattended vehicles. Car interiors will reach lethaltemperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to the earlymorning or evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heatexhaustion and/or heat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaksin shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome byheat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat strokeis an emergency! Call 9 1 1.

National Weather Service

Red Flag Warning issued July 3 at 12:47PM PDT until July 5 at 5:00AM PDT by NWS San Francisco CA...CRITICAL FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS INTO FRIDAY....Red Flag Warnings currently in effect for high elevations of theNorth Bay, East Bay Hills, and the Santa Cruz Mtns and have beenextended through 9 PM Saturday. The Marin and Sonoma CoastalRanges will see their Red Flag Warning end at 5 AM Friday. TheFire Weather Watch for Monterey and San Benito counties has beenupgraded to a Red Flag Warning for 5 AM Friday through 9 PMSaturday. While the winds are marginal, this decision was made dueto a combination of continued very low RH in the teens, very dryfuels, and the 4th of July holiday. Also, gusts up to 25 mph willbe possible across ridgetops and higher peaks. Fuels continue tocure and will see no relief through this weekend. In fact, 10 and100 hour fuels are near historic levels in the North Bay inregard to the energy release component going into the weekend. Thesame fuels in the Diablo Range and Santa Cruz Mtns aren't farbehind.* AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zone 502 Marin Coastal Range andFire Weather Zone 503 Sonoma Coastal Range.* TIMING...Until 5 AM Friday.* WINDS...Southwest 5 to 10 mph.* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 15 percent.* TEMPERATURES...Up to 103.* IMPACTS...Critical fire weather conditions. Increased chancefor fire starts in dry, open grasses. Outdoor burning andespecially fireworks are not recommended.A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditionsare either occurring now...or will shortly. A combination ofstrong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures cancontribute to extreme fire behavior.

National Weather Service

Minha Meteorologia