

31.05.2024 in the afternoon and evening thunderstorms are expected, locally with heavy rain-showers, squalls up to 15 m/s and hail. Thunderstorms will last also at night towards Saturday. BE AWARE of heavy thunderstorms!If possible, seek shelter indoors, outdoor activities will be disrupted.Be careful in places that are especially exposed to the impact of thunderstorms, for example, in forests, open areas.Power supply and/or service disruptions are possible in certain areas. Read more about electrical safety and actions in case of power outages during a storm https://sadalestikls.lv/lv/padoms/as-sadales-tikls-atgadina-par-drosibas-pasakumiem-negaisa-laika !In strong squalls of wind, broken tree branches, other loose objects or debris can be carried through the air.Rainshowers can cause a rapid rise in water levels and flooding of low-lying areas.Difficult driving conditions on the road due to reduced visibility and aquaplaning. Consider that you need to plan a longer time for trips.Thunderstorms can also be accompanied by hail, causing damage to crops.Take care of pets, they are also at-risk of thunderstorm impact.


Although during the last days cumulonimbus clouds in many places in Latvia have brought rain-showers, locally even heavy, in some regions the precipitation amount has been very little or non-existent and till 03.06 high risk of forest fires will remain. BE AWARE of high risk of fire in forests and bush areas!Be careful near forests and bushes - do not light bonfires, do not use pyrotechnics. Think about how to extinguish and dispose the cigarette butts and flammable liquids or objects - do not allow them to get in the forest or bushes!When working in the forest or bush area, follow all work safety and fire safety regulations.If you notice a fire, immediately notify the rescue service!Read more about what to do in case of a forest fire https://www.vugd.gov.lv/lv/ka-rikoties-meza-ugunsgreka-gadijuma !


Minha Meteorologia


Mais quente


+41,0 °C


+41,0 °C


+40,0 °C


+40,0 °C

Mais frio
